Australia should aim to slash its greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2025, compared with 2000 levels, in order to catch up to other countries’ efforts and prove it is a “good global citizen”, accor
More than a million Australians are living in poverty despite two decades of economic growth, according to new research which calls for a radical policy shake-up to deal with the national "disgrace
Three people have been killed in flash flooding in the Hunter Valley township of Dungog as severe weather continues to batter NSW in Hunter, Sydney and the Illawarra.
The rubbish heap of last season's televisions and computers is growing faster than ever, prompting calls for an increase to the intake targets of the National Television and Computer Recycling Sche
Permits that would allow industry to look for petroleum in marine sanctuaries have been quietly granted by the Abbott government while it reviews 40 freshly minted marine reserves.
Sea temperatures around Australia are posting "amazing" records that climate specialists say signal global records set in 2014 may be broken this year and next.
(Reuters) - Japan's weather bureau said in its monthly outlook on Friday that the possibility of an El Nino weather pattern forming by summer remains high, but gave no probability forecast.