Ronald Parise of Connecticut, USA, thinks he can make electric buses go farther. Today's batteries cannot store enough charge for those long journeys, and drivers usually do not like stopping for

Indian cities are being engulfed by vehicular pollution. Under such circumstances, the electric autorickshaw and bicycle offer some respite

A battery developed for electric cars can be recharged in minutes

Electric cars, long promoted as a way to reduce vehicular smog, could create additional environmental problems because of the lead- based batteries that power them, say researchers of Carnegie Millon

Electric cars and scooters may soon be a reality on Indian roads

Following economic liberalisation, India's largest power equipment manufacturer BHEL is diversifying and exploring renewable energy technologies in order to meet the stiff competition it faces from multinationals.

CAR MANUFACTURERS in the US will begin offering "zero emission" vehicles by 1998. Overriding monopolistic concerns, the big three -- General Motors, Ford and Chrysler -- will cooperate closely in the

The flywheel is one of the options US car makers have in the search for better batteries to run electric cars that will meet future emission standards.

Beijing: Chinese engineers have developed China's first

Companies working with Ford Motor Co (F.N), Chrysler Group and General Motors Corp [GM.UL] received more than $600 million on Wednesday to further development of batteries for hybrids and electric cars.

The awards were part of $2.4 billion in grants being announced by the Obama administration as part of its "green" economy vision and efforts to enhance U.S. energy independence.
