Sacred groves are small tracts of near-virgin forests protected by the indigenous communities. Being the storehouses of medicinal plants, these are a unique Indian way of in-situ conservation of biodiversity. This paper deals with an account of the role played by Chilkigarh sacred grove in West Bengal in the conservation of regional ethnomedicinal trees. (Sep 2007)

The Union Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF), the nodal agency for implementing provisions of CBD in India, developed a strategy for biodiversity conservation at macro-level in 1999 and got the Biological Diversity Act enacted in 2002 followed by the rules thereunder in 2004. There is a need now to develop and

Eco-tourism is of special interest in the present day scenario for its relationship with conservation, sustainability and biological diversity and as a development tool. It is very much desirable to adopt certain firm measures to propagate good quality ecotourism without pressurizing or stressing the area. July-Dec 2007

Home-garden-system is an ecosystem of different kind and a common feature of most suburban landscape in many rice farming tropical countries. If these kinds of ecosystems are well maintained, well-developed and used most sustainably; they can contribute a lot to the conservation of biological diversity by lessening the destructive use of the few nature reserves and forest ecosystems remaining.

Action to conserve biodiversity, particularly through the creation of protected areas (PAs), is inherently political. Political ecology is a field of study that embraces the interactions between the way nature is understood and the politics and impacts of environmental action. This paper explores the political ecology of conservation, particularly the establishment of PAs.

Biological diversity is an asset of vital significance to human beings, as it provides food, medicine and industrial raw materials along with an immense potential for accruing many unknown benefits to

The wetlands, a term which includes water bodies of different types ranging from lakes, estuarine area, and riparian flood plains to tidal mud-flats, play a vital role in ensuring

The right to permanent sovereignty of indigenous peoples over natural resources is implicit in international law particularly in the right of ownership of the lands they historically or traditionally

A Task Force on Mountain Ecosystems for Environment and Forests sector for the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2011) was set up by the Planning Commission, Government of India. The mountain ecosystems in this report include all the geographical limits of Himalaya and North-eastern states within Indian territory, collectively termed as Indian Himalaya Region (IHR).

The present paper reviews recent developments in methodology for valuing the role of wetlands in supporting economic activity. The study brings out several issues related to conservation and management of the Pong Dam wetland. For the protection of aquatic biodiversity of the wetland, integrated management plans are required.
