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Pakistan, a signatory to seven international conventions on the environment, needs to urgently develop and implement a biodiversity action plan to conserve its depleting plant and animal species, many of which have already been wiped out.

Nearly 200 governments will say next week they are unlikely to meet a target of slowing the rate of extinctions of living species by 2010, a failure which could threaten future food supplies. Up to 5,000 delegates and some heads of state, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, will try to agree at the Convention of Biological Diversity in the German city of Bonn on ways to save plant and animal species.

Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (Bapa) yesterday demanded immediate cancellation of the three dimensional (3D) seismic survey conducted by Chevron at the Lawachhara National Forest and its adjacent areas to save the country's lone rain forest and its bio-diversity. The Bapa leaders also demanded proper investigation into environmental, human and economic disasters that have already been occurred in the forest and ensure compensation for the affected people. The demands came at a press conference organised by Bapa at Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) auditorium in the city.

Excise sleuths busted five large scale moonshine producing plants, cleverly hidden in a few islands in the Madampa river, declared by the Government as a sanctuary due to its unique bio-diversity features. The Madampa river joins the ocean near Ambalangoda, and the wetland which surrounds the area, has the reputation of being the breeding ground for many endangered species of plants and animals.

The importance of environment enhanced in India in the aftermath of Stockholm Conference (1972)when steps were taken on environmental protection and conservation at the national level. This led to development of Environment Statistics which, to a large extent, are used to explain the relationship between the economic activities and their impact on the environment. Economic indicator such as GDP is no longer considered to be an adequate measure for sustainable development. The UNSD finalized a set of environmental indicators for international compilation in 1995.

A total of 13 fish sanctuaries have been established at the Hakaluki Haor to protect threatened fish and fish resources in the country.
