The lowly brick, that is

Brickmaking is a profit driven enterprise. At one level, it produces the basis of the built up world. But what of the hidden ecological and social costs of making a brick? vikas parashar delves into the many aspects of wha

Due to continuous removal of topsoil, which is appropriate for agricultural purposes, is being used in production of conventional fired clay bricks, which results in depletion of natural resources for agriculture. Due to rapid industrialization, enormous quantities of wastes are generated by industries. In the present research work, efforts were made by Regional Research Laboratory (RRL), Bhopal to develop stabilized copper mine tailings bricks for 35, 50, 75 and 100 kg compressive strength, using copper mine tailings waste in combination with sand and cement.

NIDHI JAMWAL looks at ways to utilise flyash, and so combat a polluting scourge

nepal has finally disclosed details about the air quality of its capital city, Kathmandu. Not surprisingly, the facts are worrisome. They also have wider ramifications for Nepal, which is an

More than 200 brick fields in Savar Upazila in Bangladesh are threatening the environment and ecosystem. It is mandatory to install an at least 45-metre-high chimney with filter in every kiln for

Emission of hazardous gases and chemicals by brick kilns are a cause for concern in the Kathmandu Valley in Nepal. Their numbers have risen rapidly over

Fly ash presents an alternative to the polluting burnt bricks

in yet another move to control pollution caused by fly ash in the vicinity of power plants, the Union ministry of environment and forests ( mef ) has

in may 1998, the ministry of environment and forests had issued a notifi
