Industrial and Infrast-ructure Development Finance Company (IIDFC) Limited yesterday signed two agreements with the Denmark government and World Bank to help brick making sector use efficient and clean energy.

The green technology is gaining ground in Bangladesh, as several sectors are adopting the innovations, thanks to growing campaigns against carbon emissions, the lead contributor to global warming.

Jammu: Brick-Kiln owners in Jammu division are in trouble with the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) survey finding over 95 per cent of them are running illegally. The brick-kilns are continuing in the old system with a licence given by the area tehsildar, whereas registration with the State Pollution Control Board was made necessary few years ago.

At Reddypalayam village near Chengalpattu in Kancheepuram district. Brick workers live in thatched huts close to the kiln.

The mighty river Brahmaputra and its tributaries are filled with rain water during monsoon season, which often creates moderate to severe flood situation in Assam. This is also the peak season of multiplication of a particular half-moon shaped snail species locally known as Junai samuk.

Around 250 brick kilns pose a major health threat to 1.4 million inhabitants of this district by using unauthorised and poisonous fuel, Dawn has learned during a survey.

The International Development Association, World Bank

Indiscriminate discharge of liquid waste by the industries in and around Konabari industrial zone has ruined a large part of the Turag river and Baimail Jheel, causing immense suffering to residents living on the banks.

Industrial liquid waste and black smog created by brick kilns have doubled the sufferings and even compelled many to move their houses.

The World Bank approved on Wednesday a $62.2 million credit to help Bangladesh to control urban air pollution through cutting emissions in key polluting sectors such as transport and brick-making.

The level of air pollutants in the capital Dhaka and other major cities has steadily increased in recent years, with an annual average well exceeding World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines.

KENDRAPARA: In flagrant violation of laid-down norms, 500 brick-kilns, including 60 modern chimney brick-kilns, are operating in this coastal district. Environmentalists said the brick-kilns have become a major cause of land degradation, rising temperature and air pollution.
