Burma may have the world's highest rate of HIV infection and AIDS contracted from dirty needles, say medical experts. The government has reported registering only 60,000 drug addicts, with as few

The Thailand government's ambitious plans of buying natural gas from Burma and transporting it home through pipelines have met with stiff opposition from the local residents and nature conservation

MORE than 2,000 people belonging to the ethnic Karen community have been massacred in Burma since February by the Burmese army to clear their land for the Myinmoletkat Nature Reserve.

Green activists have pledged to intensify their struggle against the Burma-Thai gas pipeline project planned by the Petroleum Authority of Thailand which is threatening verdant tracts of

The much-touted Yadana gas pipeline project in Burma has run into trouble. Burmese political exiles have filed a lawsuit in a US district court against the California-based Unocal Corp, asking

The pressing need for foreign exchange is being cited as the reason for the government giving in to demands from timber traders to be allowed to export.

The Chinese state oil giant that has a grip on Burma's biggest gas field is now venturing into neighboring Bangladesh, a move which may stifle long-running conflict over territorial waters in the Bay of Bengal.
