Public interest litigation has historically been an innovative judicial procedure for enhancing the social and economic rights of disadvantaged and marginalized groups in India. In recent years, however, a number of criticisms of public interest litigation have emerged, including concerns related to separation of powers, judicial capacity, and inequality.

Sujay Mehdudia

NEW DELHI: The European Commission (EC) has called for an open discussion between India and the European Union on how to deal with social and environmental issues, child labour and related matters for the successful conclusion of the ongoing India-EU Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations.

For all the money and attention devoted to the child labourers in Nepal, no one has yet worked out, where they are and what it has done. That is to say, plopping the whole lot into a subject called

Child labourers are being rescued amidst media fanfare, but precious little is being done to rehabilitate them. (Editorial)

As many as 30,000 children, who were engaged in various hazardous works, have been imparted training on non-formal education (NFE) and skill development training (SDT) after withdrawing them from their workplaces in the country.

West Bengal encourages child labour by fixing wages for juvenile agricultural workers----------

Teena Thacker

Every year, tribal children from various districts of Rajasthan migrate to Gujarat to work in the Bt cotton fields. However, this year they have stayed back. Reason: they have illegally been working under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) scheme using the job cards of their parents.

The Government proposes to make the State

JAIPUR: The Rajasthan Labour Watch has drawn the attention of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights to the

June 17: Believe it or not, a staggering 2.5 lakh children are school dropouts in the state. In Hyderabad alone, the number has touched 13,000. Of these, 2,800 children are employed as child labours in various hazardous occupations in and around the city.
