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The Koel-Karo Hydroelectric Project, which was conceived 25 years ago, is likely to see the light of day by 2004-05. The project envisages utlisation of the water from South Koel and North Karo

Myth eventually could save the day for the people of arid Rajasthan, who are faced with a dry future. If a multi-million rupee project beginning next month, is successful, the desert areas of

There is a direct correlation between the operation of an electrical appliance and the emission of greenhouse gases, but innovators within the electronics industry are working on energy-efficient

A controversial US study being released predicts sharply higher energy costs for businesses and consumers by the year 2010 including a hike of up to 53 per cent at the gasoline pump if the United

Stretching the vision of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope farther across space and further back into time than ever before, astronomers have peered into a previously unseen realm of the universe. A

The efforts to protect the ozone layer received a major boost when ten donor countries, meeting in Moscow, committed US$ 19 million to assist in the closure of the Russian Federation's production

Is India and the world getting hotter and wetter? Science struggles to unravel the mystery : a

The top and the bottom of the earth turned sharply warmer at the same time 12,500 years ago, suggesting that some climate change events once thought to be regional may have affected the entire

As Parties to the Climate Convention EU Member States have opted for a joint fulfilment of post-2000 greenhouse gas emission reduction obligations. No agreement could be reached on a joint EU target before the distribution of the burden of emission reductions among Member States had been agreed upon. This paper presents a sectoral approach to burden sharing, which incorporates important national circumstances. The three categories distinguished are the power sector, the internationally operating energy-intensive industry and the remaining domestically oriented sectors.

The pursuit of unsustainable economic growth, bad development policy, lack of good science, and poverty are a prescription for ill health. These result in a bad living environment which contributes significantly to morbidity. A conference on the state of
