A wildfire in Gila national forest burned through more timber and brush lands as it forced the evacuation of residents living near a privately owned ghost town in south-western New Mexico, official

The Texas drought is a harbinger of things to come for the entire Southwest – water resource managers are making plans for a drier future.

Water flowing from the North Atlantic Ocean into the Arctic Ocean is at its warmest level for more than 2,000 years.

The sea in the Gulf Stream between Greenland and the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard reached an average of 6

Conflict among water users is a part of the history of the American West. They are continuing even today, with modifications in their characteristics, and with more complicated concerns. The conflicts typically involve historical patterns of use by irrigated agriculture on the one hand and increasing needs for urban and environmental uses on the other hand.

The waters of the Colorado River serve 27 million people in seven states and two countries but are overallocated by more than 10% of the river

Geophysicists have linked historical earth-quakes on the southern section of California

Human activities have more than doubled the amount of nitrogen(N) circulating in the biosphere. One major pathway of thisanthropogenic N input into ecosystems has been increased regionaldeposition from the atmosphere.

To produce oil from rocks OIL companies have amassed rights to large volumes of water in the US state of Colorado to produce oil from shale, fine-grained sedimentary rock that is rich in organic matter. This could have a disastrous impact on the water-scarce area, said a study by a US-based environmental group, Western Resources Advocates. Oil shale in three US states

Published: January 14, 2008


A Colorado judge has come up with a novel punishment for noise polluters - they are forced to listen to Barry Manilow. Judge Paul Sacco says his unorthodox punishment of forcing noise ordinance violators to sit in a room and listen to music they don
