Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has sanctioned a loan of 77.75 yen, (around Rs 4,061 crore) to Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) for the development of Phase- II. The DMRC, under Phase II will provide an additional 80 km in a total of six lines, three of which are extensions. Another benefit of the project will be to promote tourism.

New Delhi: Arrived at Gujarat port after three weeks

After providing consultancy services to upcoming Metros projects in several cities in the country, the Delhi Metro has now started imparting training to the staff and executives of other similar networks.

The first coach of Delhi Metro

Delhi Metro, the first railway project in the world to be registered for carbon credits by the United Nations, has been certified to have prevented over 90,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere.

New Delhi: With the growing ridership, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has decided to feed the first consignment of 620 coaches (131 trains) into the existing lines, which will increase the frequency of trains on the Blue and Red Lines by June.

The Delhi Metro is the first railway project in the world to earn carbon credits.

Being equipped with a regenerative braking system will enable it to use less grid electrical energy, thereby making a reduction of (tones of Co2) of 4,11,600 in the next decade.

In a bid to promote an eco-friendly mode of transport over short distances, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) extended its


The Vishwavi dyalaya-Jahangirpuri line, the second Metro line of Delhi Metro
