There are some rivetting science programmes on Star TV and BBC which should inspire Doordarshan to produce better programmes in this genre

Promoting a more rationalist attitude to life at a mass level, that's what the Jan Vigyan Jatha sets out to do

The Task Force was set up in pursuance of the recommendations of the Indian Board for Wildlife and its standing committee at their meetings held on 9th February 1981 and 1st July 1982, respectively. The term 'wildlife' as globally understood, denotes all uncultivated forms of flora and fauna and has been so construed in this report. The Task Force commenced its deliberations by assessing the current levels of awareness and the degrees of apathy, indeed antipathy towards wildlife among the different sections of the public and endeavoured to determine the causes.

Dr. Sunita Narain, DG, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE ) speaks on NewsX on the occasion of the 100 years of Modern School

In October last year, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Swachh Bharat campaign, there was one thing he did differently as a politician. He set a target to achieve 100 per cent toilets in every school across the country till Independence Day in 2015. That was more than 4 lakh toilets. It's a massive number and the Prime Minister apparently monitored it personally. It seems the target has been achieved this week, but is it really the toilet dream that is being promised?

Wed, 2015-11-11 (All day)
Thu, 2015-10-29 (All day)
Tue, 2015-08-25 (All day)
Tue, 2015-10-06 (All day)
Sat, 2015-06-13 (All day)
