Publishers worldwide need to be goaded to specialise in environmental publications, but the fair was piled high with coffee table glossies on wildlife and environment, some targeting children.
HOW DO Chinese tots outperform their American counterparts? Psychologist David C Geary of the University of Missouri at Columbia, USA, who has studied the performance of Chinese and American
India's agricultural universities are producing far too many forestry graduates for the jobs available. Protests by the graduates prompted the Union ministry of environment and forests (MEF) to write
By 2010, the world's population will have gone up to 6 billion. But at the recent New York meeting on population and development, counting heads took precedence over critical issues such as women's nutrition and education
In order to reinforce its pro abortion stand, the new US administration has announced its intention of resuming funding to the UNFPA. The hitch: UNFPA supports China's rigorous population control programme, which has been decried internationally as infrin
BURDENED by repayment of its enormous external debt, the Peruvian government has been forced to cut down its budgeting for health and sanitation facilities, even though a cholera epidemic claimed
Developing countries immunised 80 per cent of their children by 1990 and saved millions of lives. But 35,000 children, under five years of age, still die every day all over the world, because of malnutrition.