The 90% of the biodiversity related to the amphibian populations in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest -one of the most threatened tropical forests- is not a protected area yet, according to an article

RUMAH KINANGKUNG — Authorities were explaining the rules governing protected animals to residents of this North Sumatran village when a man appeared, carrying a small, scaly creature by the tail.

After quantifying the extent of habitat fragmentation faced by 4,000 mammal species, researchers found higher levels of fragmentation predict greater risk of extinction.

The company worked with conservationists on schemes in Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia, helping species such as orangutans, tigers and monkeys

A draft set of regulations – opened for public comment in February – aims to facilitate the domestic trade in rhino horn.

Five wildlife enthusiasts to cover 29 States and 3 neighbouring countries

The leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) ranges widely throughout the Indian Ocean, although nesting appears restricted to a few scattered areas. In the northeast Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia, leatherbacks nest on the Indian mainland (small numbers), Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Sri Lanka, western coast of Thailand (small numbers), Sumatra, and Java. The current situation in Myanmar with regards to leatherback reproduction is unclear.

Accidental entanglement of turtles in abandoned fshing nets has been, and will likely continue to be, a major threat to sea turtles. Te impact of abandoned or lost nets, also known as ghost nets, can occur far from their point of origin as nets may drif far distances with ocean currents. Turtles that swim through ghost nets may get their body or fippers snagged in the net, potentially leading to lost circulation and injury to fippers, drowning, or prevention from feeding to the point of starvation.

As many as 151 endangered species of plants and vertebrates have been identified in Telangana, said to be exclusive to the state, after a meticulous scientific survey was done here for the first ti

Cape Town - The issue of canned lion hunting has never received as much attention than before the death of Cecil the lion or the controversial SA based-documentary Blood Lions.
