the European Commission recently presented a proposal to turn environmental offences over to criminal courts across the European Union (eu). The proposal states that activities like unlawful

This book endeavours to provide a relatively complete, comprehensive and valid account and analysis of problems of implementation of environmental laws in India. The approach of the book is to look into the problems with the comprehensiveness of both substantive and procedural aspects of environmental laws. The book contains all major case laws in India having impact in the implementation process. The book is addressed to all with an interest in state of affairs of environmental laws in India.

ngos in Gujarat recently demanded that each state in the country should have a separate environment court. "Gujarat has become the capital of special economic zones (sezs) and the sez Act and rules

With a view to arm the judiciary to combat environmental destruction, Indonesia has decided to train judges and prosecutors. At the end of the exercise, the government hopes the judges would be

Jharkhand Pollution Control Board chief in eligibility row

The Valencia water tribunal has stood strong for a thousand years; will modern day pressures crush its influence?

Charged with unlawfully handling, harvesting and processing conch and endangered sea turtles without a licence, the captain and chief mate of the vessel Thunder Ridge were each fined us

US appeals court rules in favour of Bhopal gas victims

A French ban on the import of British beef is illegal, ruled the European Court of Justice. France imposed the ban three years earlier following an outbreak of mad cow disease. Jean Mischo, the

The Delhi high court has reprimanded the Municipal Corporation of Delhi and the Archeological Survey of India as they have failed to identify polluting waterbodies in Delhi. The court called for
