Enable Block: 

Nature-based solutions can help cities become more resilient, healthy and equitable. But for urban nature to reach its full potential, investments need to be substantially scaled up.

The National Green Tribunal (NGT), March 13, 2023 directed a joint committee to look into the matter of the ecological destruction of Kufri, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.

The committee comprising Divisional Forest Officer, Shimla, Regional Officer, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board and District Magistrate, Shimla would visit the site, collect relevant information and submit a factual as well as action taken, if any, report within two months.

Report by the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board to the National Green Tribunal dated March 9, 2023.

Report of the Joint Committee appointed by the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Original Application No. 592/2022 with respect to the petition filed by All Traditional River Fishermen Association, Karnataka. The matter related to sand mining in CRZ areas affecting the various species of fish. The petitioner had requested for protecting the various fish species in the Palguni and Nethravathi rivers from illegal sand miners.

Monthly progress report by Goa State Pollution Control Board in Original Application  606 of 2018 (Compliance of MSW Management Rules, 2016).

In Goa, where sewer network is not available, septic-tank-soak-pit arrangement is adopted. Many hotels and residential buildings (50 rooms and above) have their own treatment plant (as mandated under the TCP Act 2010). Sulabh toilets are provided for group of houses and bio toilets have been provided under open defecation free (ODF) policy in the state.

The Comoros Country Environmental Analysis 2023 aims to identify the main opportunities for the Comoros to better manage its natural capital, achieve its potential sustainably, capitalize on climate co-benefits stemming from the process, and advance the development agenda.

The Blue Economy is one of the emerging strong pillars of socioeconomic and ecological development and growth across the world. It is one of the few resource-base whose exploitation can be conducted sustainably, and also whose ecological protection can generate economic value.

These guidelines are issued in suppression of earlier CPCB guidelines published in the year 2019 and aligned with Motor Vehicles (Registration and Functions of Vehicle Scrapping Facility) Rules, 2021 notified by MoRTH, the Steel Scrap Recycling Policy of Ministry of Steel issued in 2019 and the Automobile Industry Standards for Collection and Di

This Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG) contains significant findings of Performance Audit on “Illegal Mining in Rajasthan” of Mines and Geology Department of State Government. Rajasthan has the highest number of mining leases in the country.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Aryavart Foundation Vs M/s Vapi Green Enviro Ltd. & Others dated 24/02/2023.

The National Green Tribunal directed the Chief Secretary, Jammu & Kashmir to take steps to strengthen the Jammu & Kashmir Pollution Control Committee. The Chief Secretary, has been asked to take necessary action within two months.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of All India Young Lawyers Association Vs State of Uttarakhand & Others dated 24/02/2023.

The National Green Tribunal (NGT), February 24, 2023 directed constitution of a committee of higher level officers to look into the matter of illegal establishments in the Rajaji tiger reserve and "if necessary, get updated demarcation".
