A reduction in pollution from vehicular emissions in Europe from 2005 seems more plausible now. The deadlock between the European Union (EU), oil producers and European car manufacturers over

Cross border trade in hazardous chemicals and pesticides threatens the ecology with dire consequences. Sixty one nations get together to ward off the threat. This is important for developing countries as they lack the resources to manage these lethal comp

A new technology may reduce noise pollution from trains to half

Car manufacturers and oilpersons share the burden of cutting vehicular pollution in Europe

TWO young students have developed a computerised glove which can convert the deafmute alphabet into speech and another has invented a blind person's stick which can "hear" obstacles. As part of a

An accident at a steel mill in Spain has contaminated large parts of southern Europe with radioactivity, say environmentalists. The Spanish Nuclear Safety Council says scrap containing the

Dwindling birth rates have become a cause for alarm in Europe

Are they safe or are they toxic? The debate continues as the US tries to oppose Europe s efforts to ban toys containing PVC

Europe approves the legislation for patenting organisms

women who smoke, have a 50 per cent higher risk of dying from heart attack than men who smoke, say researchers. The likely reason given is that tobacco smoke has an adverse effect on the
