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Crisis looms in Baringo South sub-county with more than 10,000 people at risk of being displaced from their homes as the volume of water at Lake Baringo increases at an alarming rate following the

United Nations agencies in Somalia have stepped up their response in the wake of devastating flash floods across large parts of the country that have impacted nearly 500,000 people and displaced cl

Over 150 people from Gitogoto village, Tharaka-Nithi County, have been affected by landslides.

The affected families have now camped at the neighbouring Gitogoto Primary School.

The role of water crises in conflicts in places like Syria, Nigeria and Iran often feature in media and policy outlets. Many believe that climate change could spark future conflicts.

This report uses rigorous hydrodynamic and economic models to value the coastal flood protection services of mangroves globally, and identifies the places where mangroves provide the greatest risk reduction benefits to people and property.

Sea levels are rising, with the highest rates in the tropics, where thousands of low-lying coral atoll islands are located. Most studies on the resilience of these islands to sea-level rise have projected that they will experience minimal inundation impacts until at least the end of the 21st century. However, these have not taken into account the additional hazard of wave-driven overwash or its impact on freshwater availability.

Latest reports from Department of Disaster Management Affairs [Dodma] on the ongoing assessments of Karonga floods indicate that three people have been killed.

Dodoma — Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa said on Thursday April 19, that the government's disaster committees will assess the damage caused by heavy rains and flooding across the country and interve

NAIROBI (Xinhua) -- Kenya is grappling with the aftermath of flash floods that intensified last week and have claimed dozens of lives while destroying critical infrastructure like roads and power l

This publication shows that, without improved water management or adaptation to climate change, the global sustainability goals cannot be achieved. The report highlights the urgent need for an integrated approach to limiting climate- and water-related risks.
