US plays the spoiler at Codex meet

The Sri Lankan health ministry has strengthened its norms for food labelling and advertisements. It is executing new parameters for cereals, vegetables and spices to improve the quality of the

Discussions begin on norms for soft drinks, but urgency lacking

Is it a mere coincidence that Jamie Foxx and Moesha, tv shows with predominantly African American cast and audience, feature more overweight actors than white shows like Frasier and Friends?

The uk's Food Standards Agency (fsa) has sought the people's opinion on the controversial issue of genetically modified (gm) crops. The watchdog body seeks to engage a "citizen's jury', comprising 16

There is no escaping the ubiquitous kanhi in Kerala

McDonald's has been hauled to court again. This time by a group of obese teenagers, who claim the us fast food giant is responsible for making them fat. Lawyer Samuel Hirsch has filed a

Sattu roasted gram flour healthy, protein rich and affordable food that is the lifeline of Bihar

With the introduction of national standards for organic foods in the us, the fastest growing sector of American agriculture has received a major impetus. The new guidelines stipulate that all

This user guide is intended to help manufacturers and other users identify, interpret and apply information relevant to flavourings and flavour enhancers contained in the new Code. The guide explains: how the new Code differs from previous regulations with regard to flavourings and flavour enhancers; and where and how flavourings and flavour enhancers are regulated in the new Code.
