Groundwater quality data on physico-chemical, bacteriological and heavy metal concentrations in three cities (Faridabad, Allahabad and Varanasi) in Ganga-Yamuna basin was subjected to multivariate analysis using SPSS. The factors extracted showed high loading (>0.3) of various parameters, such Cl, conductivity, TDS, hardness, Na, Mg and SO4 indicating contamination due to leaching of pollutants.

The physico chemical analysis of the effluents of the amine manufacturing factory (Balaji Amines, Tamalwadi Dist, Osmanabad) and of groundwater form the (dug well and bore well) for pre and post monsoon seasons of 2006-2007 has been carried out.

The ground water quality in Coimbatore city along the Noyyal river during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons in 2005 is discussed in this paper. Water samples were collected from 12 wells on either side of the river.

The aim of the present study is to assess the quality of the 64 ground water samples at the top, foot and in the land area which stretches about 4 kms in the south of the Kolli hills. The physico-chemical parameters namely pH, EC, TDS, PA, TA, CH, MH, TH and F were analysed for the groundwater samples.

To meet the growing population demands rainwater harvesting is the need of the hour. The study area was a site in Kathacheruvu Village, Anantapur District. Past rainfall records were collected and annual rainfall was computed. Water levels in the open wells and bore wells near the site were measured at suitable intervals during pre and post monsoon season. A rain water harvesting structure i.e.

Arsenic (As) exposure from consumption of rice can be
substantial, particularly for the population on a subsistence
rice diet in South Asia. Paddy rice has a much enhanced As
accumulation compared with other cereal crops, and practical
measures are urgently needed to decrease As transfer from

Chemometric techniques such as factor analysis (FA),cluster analysis (CA) and discriminant analysis (DA) were applied to the groundwater quality data in a tannery-polluted area of Chennai city, India.

Arsenic and flourides are found in the underground water in Barak valley. In order to make underground water free from arsenic and flourides all necessary preventive measure have been adopted by the State government. The PHE Minister Rihon Daimary disclosed the fact while inaugurating Kumbhirgram TE water supply scheme.

Contamination of groundwater by arsenic and its adverse effect on human being have been reported in 20 countries in different parts of the world. Groundwater arsenic contamination has raised its ugly head recently in Assam. Arsenic concentration in groundwater samples from the three blocks viz.

The present study aims at the assessment of groundwater quality in and around the Vrishabhavathi Valley, the erstwhile fresh water stream, today carrying huge quantities of industrial, agricultural and domestic effluents from the western part of Bangalore metropolis.
