This manual deals with various aspects of investigation techniques for selection of sites, planning and design of artificial recharge structures, their economic evaluation, monitoring and technical au

This book represents an effort to make available a unified presentation of groundwater hydrology. It presupposes only a background of mathematics through calculus and an elementary knowledge of geology.

This book introduces to the reader all aspects of ground water i.e., its assessment, development, utilisation and management. Practical application of different formulate for field conditions, data collection and processing, test procedures and principles of design are worked out to illustrate the theory and design procedure. It includes case studies of pump test data in the country. Methods of irrigation and complete design and layout of sprinkler and drip irrigation projects are given.

This manual deals with various aspects of artificial recharge of ground water including planning of artificial recharge schemes, artificial recharge techniques and design of structures, monitoring of augmented water levels and water quality, economic evaluation of recharge projects and issues related to operation and maintenance of artificial recharge structures. Roof top rainwater harvesting techniques which are particularly suitable for urban areas have also been included and described in detail.

A number of dimensions and resources need to be converged for preparing a roadmap to sustainability. The most critical among these are technical know-how, human capital and financial resources. This document is an effort towards presenting a basic framework for the mobilization of these resources and dimensions. The document has been structured into various themes that need to be interwoven for a framework of sustainability in the drinking water sector.

According to an assessment by the international Water Management Institute, out of Rajasthan's total geographical area of 342,226 sq km, the potential aquifer area for groundwater is 217,947sq km.

Rajasthan flash floods can drought proof state

In recent times, several studies around the globe show that climatic change is likely to impact significantly upon freshwater resources availability. In India, demand for water has already increased manifold over the years due to urbanization, agriculture expansion, increasing population, rapid industrialization and economic development.

After sullying its image by pumping groundwater from Indian

Lack of commitment has kept several schemes in the files
