the groundwater situation in the foothills of the Kangra valley, especially in Nurpur and Jawali subdivisions, is quite grim today. There are no water canals for irrigation in these areas.

IRS-LISS-II data along with other data sets have been utilized to extract information on the hydrogeomorphic features of a hard rock terrain in the Sironj area of Vidisha district of Madhya Pradesh, India. The study exhibits reservoir induced artificial groundwater recharge downstream of surface water reservoirs.

While the cultivation of paddy in Punjab (and Haryana) does need some curbing, the extreme forebodings of either total groundwater exhaustion in Punjab or of the state turning into a desert of paddy growing is not curbed forthwith are unwarranted.

The water resources of a Miocene limestone aquifer in northwest Sri Lanka were investigated. The limestone aquifer receives recharge although it is buried beneath a thick sequence of Quaternary deposits of low permeability which cover the whole basin. Hydrochemical and pumping-test data show that this recharge occurs as leakage through the semi-permeable cover.

How will vast regions of India, where highly unreliable rainfall makes the difference between famine and sustenance, cope with climate change? Over 85 per cent of the cultivated area in this country

the Union budget for 2007-08 is big on illusions, small on vision. Despite the hype about its tilt towards the agriculture sector, the budget has failed to put together a package to bail out the

who should fund the National Rainfed Area Authority (nraa)? The issue remained unresolved even after the first meeting of the authority ended in Delhi in January this year. Set up in November

Call it is one of the unknown Indian ironies. Over many years, the Indian state, through its public irrigation agencies, has systematically taken over the management of surface water systems. It has

The World Bank (wb) has cleared the construction of a 1,045-kilometre oil pipeline from Chad in central Africa to Cameroon's Atlantic coast. The move flies in the face of environmental concerns
