Groundwater sustains almost 60 per cent of the irrigated land in India. Most districts in India today have larger shares of irrigated land under groundwater irrigation than under surface water irrigation. This ominous change in water use patterns in Ind

Titlagarh, one of the hottest places in India, is undergoing a cool makeover. The sweltering summer that this small town of western Orissa experiences can be primarily attributed to its being

Dhaka is being milked dry. Of late, there has been a rapid decline in the city s groundwater table. In fact, it has depleted by over 20 m during the past six years

Recurrent droughts and floods coupled with mass poverty, chronic unemployment and pervasive malnutrition are the major challenges before India. The Union government usually responds by complaining about truant rains and doles out funds in an arbitrary man

Shifting of industries to Bawana will affect groundwater reserves

considering that groundwater levels are rapidly declining in Chennai, the launch of the

Chennai shores up its laws to curb groundwater depletion, with renewed emphasis on rainwater harvesting

Anyone will tell you that follow-ups are not a story. Journalism is not about

The innovative use of stormwater drains to harvest water has meant a new lease of life for water starved Chennai

The Union ministry of urban development has issued a notification stipulating that construction activities that create noise will not be allowed after 10 pm. However, construction of highways, roads,
