A federal government plan to protect a vast area of the US Arctic as habitat for polar bears has been upheld by an appeals court, overturning a previous victory by the state of Alaska and fossil fu

Solar-powered trackers on wings have recorded California condors soaring to 15,000 feet, while locators attached to humpback whales have revealed 1,000-foot dives to underwater mountains.

Conservationists have called for urgent action to stop armed militia and illegal mining in protected central African forests from driving the elusive okapi to extinction.

More than 40,000 hectares of koala habitat in Queensland has disappeared since the state’s land-clearing controls were weakened, a conservation group says.

Officials in northeast China are planning a resident resettlement and afforestation project to double the size of a key migration corridor for wild Siberian tigers and Amur leopards that has become

Maputo — The data from the 2014-15 Household Survey, undertaken by Mozambique's National Statistics Institute (INE), and released in Maputo on Wednesday, show an across the board improvement in liv

The climatic conditions needed by 285 species of land birds in the United States have moved rapidly between 1950 and 2011 as a result of climate change, according to a recent paper published in Glo

The extinction of large animals from tropical forests could lead to potentially stronger impacts of climate change, a new study warns.

The revised draft of Law on Protection of Wildlife was presented to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for deliberation on Monday.

The Pacific Northwest forest apparently isn’t big enough for the both of them.
