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A recentforum on patenting life forms in Munich chose to remain a hush hush affair leaving out people's groups

FOR years, technical book alternative materials and cost building tech have been regularly lished. Government semi-government org tions like Housing Urban Development ration have published

The largest and one of the most well preserved fossil specimens of an ammonite has been discovered on Seymour Island off Antarctica. Belonging to the class Molluscs, these animals have

If the Jurassic Park was to be filmed again, the story would not revolve around T-rex (Tyrannosaurus rex), but around Gigantosaurus mrolini. The latest addition to the

Voluntary organisations decide to take to task irrational and outdated government legislations

That time is not very far off when children will ask: when are we buying a CD recorder, Papa?

Community farming of geckos could well benefit the Vietnamese economy and environment. Or so believes Bob Murphy, a herpetologist at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada, who

From missiles to VCRs, a scintillating change is foreseen, At a smart new breed of semiconductors enter the realm of electronics

Indian NGOs jointly campaign against an anti people forest bill proposed by the Centre

A happy picture painted by a recent FAO report gives way to grim realities about global food situation
