Enable Block: 

Even though funds for the Superconducting Super Collider have dried up, particle physicists are determined to prove their theory of, well, everything

The Lucknow-based Central Drug Research Institute (cdri) is awaiting permission from the Drug Controller of India to commence the testing of a memory drug among human volunteers. cdri director V P

Furious at losing their traditional rights over land, residents of a south Delhi village say...

To lessen the burden that the burgeoning world population puts on resources, family planning programmes will have to cover about 650 million people by AD 2000 and about 880 million by AD 2015,

The idea of a fundamental simplicity underlying the observed diversity of the universe is a powerful one that has stood the test of time. Admittedly, the nature of truly elementary particles has

The big cats have lost one who championed their survival with the death of Kailash Sankhala

UNDER the guise of concern for the environment and public health, Western governments continue to push the private agendas of large multinational interests. Experts advising international green funds

Indian agriculturists have evolved indigenous technology for producing stable and cost-effective biopesticides. These cellular pesticides, based on mutations of the toxic Bt gene, are cheaper and

Our perception of what constitutes fundamental particles has changed continually with the ability to "see" at smaller distances. The microcosm has revealed several layers within itself: starting from

The construction of the Thoubal multi purpose dam and the Tapaimukh dam in Manipur has sparked off protests
