A major report by the Elephant Task Force submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Forests. The report lays out a comprehensive action agenda for protecting elephants in the wild and in captivity, and for addressing human-elephant conflict.

India can still surprise us

Indira Gandhi’s life (1917–1984) spanned much of the twentieth century. She was Prime Minister of the world’s largest democracy for two spells that totaled fi fteen years. To this day, her environmental legacy remains one that divides critics from admirers. One sees it as a defense against ecological impoverishment, especially in her initiation of wildlife preservation and environmental conservation.

The issue of displacement and rehabilitation of people from wildlife areas is a recurrent and central theme in the context of crises in nature conservation in India. India is one of the countries where the issue of relocation has lately acquired centre-stage in debates on biodiversity conservation.

India's forests have been a site of conflict for centuries. But it is only over the last decade that their history has become the subject of serious enquiry. The first wave of work focussed on the

The jungles of the Indian subcontinent, home to an amazing array of wildlife, attracted many hunters and naturalists, several of whom have recounted their encounters with animals in the wild. This anthology brings together a wide-ranging selection of writings, covering mainly the period of the British Raj, about the hunt in its myriad forms.

The last century has witnessed a remarkable change in attitudes to wildlife, with the focus shifting from conquest for slaughter towards conservation. The new class of naturalists gives equal attention to smaller animals and trees, as evident in the pieces on the blackbuck, the wild dog, the turtle, the cobra, and the comings and goings at a waterhole in summer.

Fencing the Forest: Conservation and Ecological Change in India's Central Provinces 1860-1914 draws on archival and printed sources to shed new light on the ecological dimensions of the colonial impact on South Asia. The changing responses of rural forest users and the fortunes of the land they lived on are the key themes of this study.

Is jhum cultivation still a viable option for the future?

"HISTORY repeats itself, the first time as tragedy and the second time as farce." In 1982, protests by tribal groups and urban environmentalists led to the withdrawal of a draft Forest Bill. This
