Enable Block: 

A professor in the department of chemistry, Delhi University, K V Sane has been instrumental in organising and directing a project on locally produced low cost equipment for chemical education that is sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Appli

THE much-publicised winds of change supposedly sweeping through the official corridors in India seem to have passed by its scientific institutions. The latest evidence of this comes from the turmoil

Gouditikra in Orissa provides a model of how community participation can transform a village

In recent years, scientists have closed in on cancer, pinning down precisely how its hellish manifestations are caused and spread. Their findings mean a whole new way of looking at and treating the killer disease

The role of dais, traditional Indian midwives, is being reevaluated as modern medicine finds their lore ideally suited to Indian conditions

Madhya Pradesh took a head start in implementing the 3 tier panchayati raj. But lack of finances might just undo the transfer of power to the people

An Indian scientist has developed a process to refine low grade coal to prevent its residue of fly ash

Wetland management is drawing increasing flak for advocating misdirected conservation strategies and disregarding local needs

OVER the years, the application of chemical fertilisers has grown vertiginously in India. In percentage terms, however, this spectacular rise has left far behind the growth in food production,

Increased incomes, innovative financing schemes, short-sighted policies and wasteful attitudes have led to an enormous amount of energy being squandered
