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A high tech power station foreign companies are building in Maharashtra is being touted as the "perfect solution" to its anticipated electricity shortfall. The mystery is that the agreement and the environment impact assessment are under wraps

Perhaps the largest potential AIDS factory in the world, India remains blissfully apathetic to a scourge that could rip its social fabric apart

Bangladesh"s early warning system had already warned those vulnerable on the coastline and helped limit the usually terrible human toll to a minimum

V B SALUNKE, a 58-year-old social worker, abandoned his engineering firm in 1972 to mobilise villagers towards community participation in the management of natural resources. The son of an army officer, Salunke developed the system of pani panchayats, or

In its cynical sense, the price of power is a phrase which often evokes rich imagery. Seen from any angle, the Indian government's decision to go in for what is going to be the world's largest,

An Asian staple for over a millennium, rice has become important enough for the North to start raiding and patenting strains

RAJASTHAN Chief Minister Bhairon Singh Shekhawat and his cabinet are busy wooing Israeli expertise in, of all things, water management. The first entrant is Tahal Consulting Engineers Ltd, a Tel

The Indian Railways has raised a stink by opting for an outdated Canadian software programme for controlling its freight operations

THE Human Development Report 1994 of the United Nations Development Programme reveals that economic relationships between the North and the South remain as skewed as before. Development assistance or

The success of a duck hatchery has been limited by lack of interestin its potentioal
