The second Geo Responsibility Awards (GRA) will be held on March 15 at the Water's Edge under the patronage of Environment Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa and Power and Energy Minister Champika R

‘Initiate criminal action against those running such units'

After a brief lull, the menace of illegal dyeing units has resurfaced in the Tirupur-Namakkal belt. The units have come up even after the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board carried out an extensive demolition drive a few months ago.

The Department of Environment (DoE) fined the owners of two dyeing factories Tk 28.5 lakh in Narayanganj yesterday on charge of polluting the Shitalakkha river by dumping chemical mixed waste.

The second channel of the Buriganga, which flows through the southwestern part of the capital, is almost dead due to wholesale encroachment by public and private organisations and also dumping of w

Non allocation of funds and legal complexities have either stalled or slowed down two projects for saving the Buriganga River from land grabbers or restoring stretches of it through dredging, offic

Drive begins in Salem; continues in Namakkal. Three dyeing units in Salem were demolished by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) and Revenue officials on Thursday.

TNPCB officials said that based on information that unauthorised units were functioning in Sevapet, Neikkarapatti and Uthama Solapuram, officials raided the units and found three winches in each unit.

KOCHI: A study conducted by the National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram, revealed that the water in the Periyar river is highly toxic. Of the 200 samples collected by the lab from various points of the river, many were found to be poisonous. A report in this regard will be submitted before the High Court in the next week.

A Division Bench of the High Court had asked the NIIST to submit a report on the quality of drinking water from Periyar. The High Court had earlier appointed an Advocate Commission to look into the issue of pollution in Periyar.

Taking serious note of effluents released by industries, the govt has issued an order to treat water before it is released into the river

JAIPUR: The industries in the state will now have to deposit a bank guarantee and an affidavit to Rajasthan pollution control board (RSPCB) ensuring compliance with provisions mentioned in pollution control and environment protection laws.

To ensure compliance with provisions, RSPCB has issued orders that any industry that had earlier been barred from operating due to non-compliance to Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act provisions, will have to submit a bank guarantee.

The report is the result of a two-year study on the technology and policy options for improving energy efficiency of the Indian cement manufacturing industry. It takes into consideration the diversity in processes, raw materials, fuels and operating conditions.
