A proposed new law threatens to abandon farmers to the tender mercies of seed corporations

Thai farmers and activists object to a US company s use of the name Jasmati for a rice variety

Europe approves the legislation for patenting organisms

In the wake of growing demand in the West, multinational companies are attempting to patent isabgol

in the very first instance in India of

The veryfirst scheme to recognise the intellectual property rights of the Kani tribals in Kerala, ran into rough weather, only to bounce back into action

A recentforum on patenting life forms in Munich chose to remain a hush hush affair leaving out people's groups

Intellectual property rights have been given avirtualgoby in Pakistan. The evidence is the flood of pirated books, music, audio casets settes and computer software, mo smuggled in from the Far

NO INDIVIDUAL can hope to remain anonymous as integration of computing and telecommunications has vastly improved the ability to collate, classify and analyse information about each person.
