a group of 12 European institutional investors has come out with a prescription for the international pharmaceutical industry, exhorting the latter to provide developing countries with easier access

The music industry is crying out loud against eu legislation for protecting intellectual property, complaining that it falls short of what is needed to fight piracy. The eu recently proposed a directive to integrate currently divergent systems in the cont

A new initiative for the welfare of indigenous people was launched by an international group of experts at a meeting in Bellagio, Italy, from November 25-30. Known as

Environmentalism offers a rich analogy for the politics of copyright on the Internet

INFORMATION FEUDALISM . Peter Drahos with John Braithwaite . Earthscan Publications Limited . London . 2002 . Rs 920 In the last two decades, the intellectual property standards have changed

Cash strapped Sri Lanka under pressure to let the US play a decisive role in conserving its tropical forests

A hard look at the implications of expensive seeds and technology on farmers, especially those in the third world

The bill fails to utilise obvious relief routes offered by TRIPS

The newly amended patents bill is replete with loopholes

With almost all the countries entering the
