THE Centre is in the line of fire from the Opposition over environment minister Jairam Ramesh

Amid widespread controversy regarding Environment Impact Assessments (EIA) and Environment Clearances (EC), the Ministry of Environment and Forests is moving a proposal to create an independent Environment Protection Authority that will deal with the granting of environmental clearances.

The Girnar ropeway project, which was taken up for discussion by the standing committee of the National Board for Wild Life (NBWL) on Wednesday, has also been referred to the expert and technical panel to find out if it would hamper vulture conservation in that area.

National wildlife board seeks expert opinion shifting the big cats to MP
Himanshu Kaushik TNN

Ahmedabad: The standing committee of the National Board for Wildlife which met in New Delhi on Wednesday has asked experts to review and give their opinions on the scientific and social aspects of translocation of Asiatic Lions
from Gir to Kuno Palpur in Madhya Pradesh (MP).

Byju Aryad

In a significant shift in its stand ahead of the Copenhagen meeting, India has, for the first time, said reduction of its greenhouse gas emissions is as much a part of its climate change strategy as adaptation efforts, and that it is even ready to quantify the emission cuts it is prepared to take over a period of time.

India has been successful in phasing out ozone depleting substances (ODS) like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) 17 months ahead of the targeted date, said Union Minister for Environment & Forests, Jairam Ramesh, while addressing a conference to observe International Ozone Day here today.

These rules may be called the Plastics (Manufacture, Usage and Waste Management) Rules, 2009. They shall come in to force on the date of their final publication in the Official Gazette.

The launch of the UNDP project in Ranchi on Tuesday.

Ranchi, Sept. 15: To conserve and record the state

K.V. Prasad

NEW DELHI: The Union Government has begun review of 70 strategically important roads along the Sino-Indian border. Their construction has been held up on account of delay in environmental clearance.
