Komal Amit Gera / Chandigarh July 15, 2010, 0:05 IST

Monsanto Holdings, a leading global provider of technology-based agricultural products aimed to improve farm productivity and food quality, is scouting for partnerships with state governments to reach target groups of farmers.

The introduction of genetic engineering (GE) in plant breeding has been accompanied by the expansion of patent monopolies. Companies have seized on the opportunity to extend the corporate control of agriculture through the patenting of seeds and plants.

Scientist C. Kameswara Rao reviews the document released by the Minister of Environment and Forests of the Government of India that declares a moratorium on the commercial release of Bt brinjal (eggplant) in India. Through a scientific review process Dr.

Latha Jishnu / New Delhi May 28, 2010, 0:36 IST

Monsanto licencees have earned over Rs 1,500 crore since 2002.

Bhargav Trivedi AHMEDABAD

K P Prabhakaran Nair

The framing of GM crops as a technology for the poor proved an alluring one, once it became clear that European markets were largely closed to GM crops, to target developing-country markets Monsanto scientists noticed that certain bacteria inhabiting waste outflows from the glyphosate manufacturing plants were impervious to the chemical.

More weeds are evolving resistance to glyphosate

Ian Sample

Farmland struck by infestations of bugs following widespread adoption of Bt cotton made by biotech giant Monsanto.

Scientists are calling for the long-term risks of GM crops to be reassessed after field studies revealed an explosion in pest numbers around farms growing modified strains of cotton.

Mahyco-Monsanto challenges State's move on royalty fee.

Tells AP Govt that it will implement contracts on Bt cottonseed.

K. V. Kurmanath

Hyderabad, May 6

The war of words over the fixation of seed price and trait value for Bt cottonseeds has taken an interesting twist with Mahyco-Monsanto Biotechnology Limited (MMBL) asserting that it is not going to budge over the issue of trait value or royalty fee.
