
A bill proposes 26 percent shareholding for tribals in companies getting mining leases in their area.

Democratising joint forest management

Amiti Sen & Deepshikha Sikarwar NEW DELHI

THE government will launch a joint venture with private players to build roads under its protection in Naxal-dominated areas where companies fear to tread on their own, taking head-on a bottleneck that has long scuppered welfare schemes and security initiatives.


Dharampur (West Midnapore), May 25: Maoists in Lalgarh have said they would distribute among the poor and landless the land and property belonging to CPM leaders and workers who have fled the area.

A local Maoist leader said on Sunday that the rebels would resist if the administration tried to

Panchayats To Be Involved In Forest Management
Our Political Bureau NEW DELHI

THE Centre is working out ways to increase participation of tribals and their control over forest areas to counter Maoist insurgency.

Siddharth Varadarajan

Out-gunned:Paramilitary soldiers guard the blast spot in Dantewada district on Tuesday. That the Maoists chose to detonate an IED knowing a large number of non-combatants would die should be a lesson for anyone who harbours illusions about the Maoists and their project

Saubhadro Chatterji / New Delhi May 19, 2010, 0:38 IST

A sweeping set of reforms proposed for the country

BERHAMPUR: Maoists have started to terrorise construction companies involved in construction of roads in remote areas of Kandhamal district under the Pradhan Mantri Gramya Sadak Yojana (PMGSY).

Unimpressed by the progress made under the well-known KBK assistance plan, where over Rs 1,600 crore has been spent over the last decade, a concerned Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has asked the Planning Commission to immediately carry out a fresh time-bound re-evaluation of the programme with special focus on the state of poverty and hunger.

The liberalisation process that started in India in the early 1990s has made Orissa potentially the most attractive destination for large capital-intensive projects by private-sector firms – typically mineral-based ones. These projects are facing opposition from the people, especially those likely to be displaced and those who will be indirectly affected.
