The Netherlands position as an agricultural superpower stands threatened unless it shifts to eco friendlier organic cultivation

The Netherlands has weakened its decision to cut carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2000

A new research proves a common observation, that mosquitoes are selective in biting

Environmental activists are fighting against the dramatic expansion of air traffic in the Netherlands

Akzo Nobel nv , a Dutch chemicals company, has been charged with stealing technology that makes solar energy cheap enough to compete with conventional electricity. A Dutch entrepreneur Peter van

the International Court of Justice in The Hague has delivered its profoundest judgement yet: nuclear arms should not be used in war. However, it was unable to make up its mind on whether the

A recent coup on the Internet, which broke the monopoly held by the Netherland's state publishers over information, throws light on what is being referred to as Internet activism

Dutch greens decry the expansion of Schiphol airport and jam the main runway, ready to face trial for high crime

A towering structure, proposed for generating eco friendly power in the Netherlands, has run into trouble with engineers and energy experts who have raised doubts about the feasibility of its construction and its efficiency

The first Dutch agriculture minister of urban origin, Jozias van Aartsen, has upset farmers in the country, charmed free-market enthusiasts, and at the same time added fillip to the green
