We conducted the study described in this paper to investigate the impact of ambient temperature on mortality in the Netherlands during 1979-1997, the impact of heat waves and cold spells on mortality in particular, and the possibility of any heat wave- or cold spell-induced forward displacement of mortality.

germany -based Siemens Solar GmbH (Siemens) and the Netherlands-based Shell Renewables (Shell) have recently reached an agreement to set up a joint venture company to manufacture products used in

A molecule traced recently might help in preventing the Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) infection. Yvette van Kooyk of the University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, along with her team,

Learning starts in the womb

The mystery behind runaway stars

After wrecking the climate talks in the Hague, the US led coalition refuses to participate in further negotiations in Oslo

More and more people are waking up to the need for an international climate regime based on the principle of per capita entitlements to the atmosphere

During the second week of the meeting, it became clear that there were four main areas of contention. In climate jargon, these were: sinks, supplemen

The stage seemed set for another climate meeting to serve the economic interests of the US better than the threat of global warming

in a report entitled "North Sea Offshore Wind-A European Powerhouse', the German Wind Energy Institute has highlighted the wind power potential of five countries
