This publication by the Programme for the Promotion of Household and Alternative Energy sources in the Sahel (PREDAS) is a summary of a series of surveys and analyses conducted in the Sahelian countries of Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Chad.

Returning to Africa after a 10 year absence, Chris Reij could barely believe his eyes. On the arid margins of the Sahara in Niger, all he could see were trees.

Even as Niger recently permitted uranium mining in the Sahara desert in the country's north, its parliament sanctioned around us $60 million to defend mining companies against attacks by

Auranium mining company operating in Arlit city in Niger has been accused of adopting inadequate safety measures, following findings that the radioactive metal was harming the local population.

In Niger and Mali, where timber is scarce and expensive, mud building is making a headway, thanks to the efforts of a French organisation called Development Workshop.
