The stakeholders and partners of the project BIOsphere and Heritage of Lake Chad (BIOPALT) met in N'Djamena from 28 to 31 May 2018 to discuss their collaboration for the implementation of the proje

The U.N.

With private contributions becoming increasingly pivotal to global climate finance, it is evident that scaling up and channeling private capital is crucial in meeting the goal of achieving the Paris Agreement and limiting global warming to two degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial level.

This study, conducted by the USAID-funded Climate Information Services Research Initiative (CISRI), is designed to contribute to the operationalization of Niger's National Framework for Climate Services, known as the Cadre National pour les Services Climatologiques, by filling knowledge gaps related to climate information services (CIS) end user

Africa50, Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) are set to develop solar projects in the Sahel through the Desert to Power Programme.

The Sahel is experiencing rapid and disorderly urbanization. The capital cities of Bamako, Conakry, and Niamey dominate the urban landscape in their respective countries. In each of these three countries, the economic importance of the capital city is enormous.

In this cluster-randomized trial, we assigned communities in Malawi, Niger, and Tanzania to four twice-yearly mass distributions of either oral azithromycin (approximately 20 mg per kilogram of body weight) or placebo. Children 1 to 59 months of age were identified in twice-yearly censuses and were offered participation in the trial. Vital status was determined at subsequent censuses. The primary outcome was aggregate all-cause mortality; country-specific rates were assessed in prespecified subgroup analyses.

How Tobacco companies subvert anti-tobacco laws capable of saving millions in Nigeria, others - Report

Mineral Resources Minister Mosebenzi Zwane has signed a memorandum of understanding with the government of the Republic of Niger, represented by its Minister of Mines, Hassane Baraze Moussa.

The Millennium Development Goal (MDG) period saw dramatic gains in health goals MDG 4 and MDG 5 for improving child and maternal health. However, many Muslim countries in the south Asian, Middle Eastern, and African regions lagged behind. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the status of, progress in, and key determinants of reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health in Muslim majority countries (MMCs).
