We have created a partnership that is based on principle and pragmatism, says Manmohan

Washington: United States President Barack Obama on Tuesday warmly welcomed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, telling him that India was

Washington: Pakistan is estimated to have more nuclear warheads than India and the two Asian neighbours along with China are increasing their arsenals and deploying weapons at more sites, two eminent US atomic experts have claimed.

Despite the protection afforded by several important legal instruments, the environment continues to be the silent victim of armed conflicts worldwide. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has conducted over twenty post-conflict assessments since 1999, using state-of-the-art science to determine the environmental impacts of war.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday insisted that global non-proliferation to be successful should be universal, comprehensive and non-discriminatory and linked to the goal of complete nuclear disarmament.

Gareth Evans & Yoriko Kawaguchi

The International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament seeks to contribute to the global effort to help build a new momentum to reconsider the role of nuclear weapons in international relations and eventually to eliminate them.

INDIA is closely monitoring a draft Security Council resolution moved by the US, asking non-NPT countries to sign the treaty. The draft resolution, which has been circulated by the US, asks signatories to cooperate to rid the world of nuclear weapons and asks countries out of the loop to sign the treaty. Though the resolution is aimed at North Korea and Iran, India is likely to feel some heat.

It was one year ago that the environmental scientist showed up at Fred Slowman

President Barack Obama should be applauded for his decision to scrap commercial reprocessing. (Editorial)

Radioactive clouds hung over villagers as China detonated nuclear bombs in the air for four decades.

NEW DELHI: Expressing concern over reports of Pakistan increasing its stockpile of nuclear weapons, India on Monday expressed the hope that international pressure would be mounted on Islamabad to hold the arms at deterrent level.
