GOVERNMENTS the world over can do just that - pat themselves on their backs - for work well done. Dutch scientists, reviewing a year of the international ban on ozone- destroying chemicals have

Findings from a recent study conducted in Pakistan and Egypt by researchers from the Imperial College, London, suggest that a secondary pollutant, surface ozone, may well be responsible for substantial reduction in the yields of major crops

Recent measurements show that protective ozone levels in the atmosphere touched a record low early this year

Over the next few years, ozone loss is projected to go from to worse

A new instrument makes the task of monitoring ozone levels easier

THE ozone layer over the US had thinned to unprecedented and worrisome flimsiness during 1993, say scientists who had monitored sunlight at various ground sites over the year. Between January and

The increase in greenhouse gas emissions and damage to the ozone layer hold far more serious consequences for human health than earlier imagined

With aerospace technologies set to revolutionise engine and body design, today's cars could become as obsolete as dinosaurs.

BBC's film on chlorine is more successful in underlining the vital role it plays in daily life, rather than in detailing why it should be banned

The Earth's atmosphere has been evolving ever since the planet was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. But, with industrialisation, human activity, for the first time, threatens irreversible climate changes
