The Ellen MacArthur Foundation and UN Environment Programme (UNEP) have today published their second annual New Plastics Economy Global Commitment Progress report, together with detailed data on the progress of individual business and government signatories.

New WWF Plastics Facts & Futures Report highlights the need for a systemic approach to tackle plastic pollution in South Africa.

A recent study estimates that the world has produced about 8.3 billion metric tonnes of plastics between 1950 and 2015 — 80 per cent of this is plastic waste. A meagre 9 per cent of this waste has been recycled.

Prepared by the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), this report documents how corporate lobbyists have been able to influence and effectively water down the ambition of a long-expected restriction on intentionally added microplastics already at its drafting stage.

The U.S. and world are at a turning point, as COVID-19 cases continue to increase and some governments have offered nonsensical and dangerous responses to the pandemic (e.g., reopening businesses too soon, politicizing public health measures like wearing a mask).

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Food Industry Asia (FIA) released a regional survey of consumers and food and beverage businesses across South-East Asia that shows a significant disconnect between expectation and action on reducing plastic waste.

Status report of the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board in compliance of National Green Tribunal order of January 21, 2020. The matter related to pollution in Malegaon by industries involved in plastic lumps (gitti), plastic granules, plastic recycling, yarn dyeing, power loom and others.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Dhruba Das Gupta & Others Vs Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change & Others dated 05/06/2020 regarding encroachment of the East Kolkata Wetlands and operation of illegal industries within the area without the necessary statutory clearances.

This report focuses on the actions and responsibilities of four of the world’s biggest plastic polluters: CocaCola, Nestlé, PepsiCo and Unilever. These companies continue to sell billions of products in single-use bottles, sachets and packets in developing countries.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Mohammad Yusuf Abdullah Shaikh & Others Vs State of Maharashtra & Others dated 21/01/2020 regarding air pollution on account of melting of plastic in the process of manufacturing gitti (recycled plastic granules) for use of plastic pipes at Malegaon in the State of Maharashtra.
