Responses to illegal wildlife trade need to be more nuanced and not only focused on high-profile species if we are to truly tackle the problem, say researchers.

New initiative closes loophole allowing dealers to claim ivory from recently killed elephants is antique without providing proof of age

Large-scale seizures of ivory in Singapore over the last three years make the south-east Asian city-state one of the world’s premier ivory smuggling hubs for organised crime, say conservation watch

South Africa's Kruger National Park is littered in places with the trunks of trees uprooted and stripped of bark by a surging population of elephants, a frequent sight in the reserve.

Botswana, home to the world's largest elephant population, will break ranks with its southern African neighbors and not support bids at an upcoming U.N.

South Africa's Kruger National Park is littered in places with the trunks of trees uprooted and stripped of bark by a surging population of elephants, a frequent sight in the reserve.

Nagpur: The Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB) on Thursday called upon various government agencies in the region to strengthen enforcement so as to tackle increasing crime.

Police in Namibia have recovered 57 elephant tusks and arrested 16 people for poaching since March this year.

As talks about a complete ban on both the international and domestic markets heat up, the Swaziland government accuses western NGOs of being ‘armchair preservationists’

Dozens of African rangers are killed each year by increasingly well-armed and -organized poachers in a bloody conflict over the continent’s wildlife.
