A Kenyan government official on Tuesday appreciated China's effort in protecting wild life, saying China's trade ban on ivory will bring positive effects on elephant protection in East Africa.

The UK and EU, the world’s largest exporters of legal ivory, have been accused of not doing enough to save Africa’s fast disappearing elephant populations.

Black rhinos are being driven to extinction as the ‘unprecedented’ high price of rhino horns leads to an explosion of poaching, experts say.

The black rhinoceros is again on the verge of extinction due to unsustainable poaching in its native range. Despite a wide historic distribution, the black rhinoceros was traditionally thought of as depauperate in genetic variation, and with very little known about its evolutionary history. This knowledge gap has hampered conservation efforts because hunting has dramatically reduced the species’ once continuous distribution, leaving five surviving gene pools of unknown genetic affinity.

Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) office has helped the government to earn over 165bn/- through successful prosecution of 158 government trophy related cases.

NAMIBIA has so far dehorned 451 black rhinos at a cost of over N$14,5 million in an effort to discourage poaching in the country.
Government has been dehorning rhinos since 2014.

Walia ibex (Capra walie) is an endemic and endangered species restricted to Simien Mountains National Park (SMNP). The population of walia ibex appeared to have gradually increased during the decade before our study. Our goal was to determine the current population status of walia ibex in SMNP. We conducted censuses throughout 2009 to 2011 to study population size, structure, and distribution of individuals.We stratified the Park using habitat features into eight different census sites, and a simultaneous total count was used to estimate the population size of walia ibex.

Almora: More than 100 half-burnt and fully burnt trees were allegedly cut in high-altitude villages of Gunji and Navi near Dharchula in Kumaon recently in contravention of rules, local villagers ha

Hong Kong government’s three-step plan to ban ivory trade by 2021 received go-ahead from the Chief Executive in Council, and the legislature amendments will be tabled before the Legislative Council

More than 80 per cent of countries consider environmental crime a national priority, with the majority saying new and more sophisticated criminal activities increasingly threaten peace and security. INTERPOL and UN Environment surveyed close to 70 countries for their new joint report, 'Environment, Peace and Security?
