The United Nations on Wednesday banned global trade in highly endangered pangolins, a scaly animal with the dubious distinction of being the world's most poached mammal.

A group, Alliance of Leading Environmental Researchers and Thinkers (ALERT) have said that the proposed Cross River Superhighway, if undertaken, could hastily worsen a deepening environmental and s

With as many as 393 elephants having been killed in Orissa in the last five years, the state seems seems to have become a graveyard for the animals.

Nagpur: After remaining in deep slumber for over nine years, the forest department seems to have woken up and has convened state tiger cell meeting on October 1.

A major investigation into global wildlife crime today names for the first time key traffickers and links their illegal trade to corrupt officials at the highest levels of one Asian country.

Johannesburg: The number of elephants in Africa has dropped by 111,000 in 10 years to just 415,000 today.

African elephant population has contracted by around 111,000 in the past decade as a result of poaching, study finds

Africa's elephant population has suffered its worst drop in 25 years, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) said on Sunday, blaming the plummeting numbers on poaching.

The report is an authoritative source of knowledge about the numbers and distribution of African elephant populations across their 37 range states in sub-Saharan Africa. It presents more than 275 new or updated estimates for individual elephant populations across Africa, with over 180 of these arising from systematic surveys.

Elephants in Botswana, which has more of the animals than any other country in Africa
