Megaherbivores (>1000 kg) are critical for ecosystem health and function, but face population collapse and extinction globally. The future of these megaherbivore-impoverished ecosystems is difficult to predict, though many studies have demonstrated increasing representation of C3 woody plants. These studies rely on direct observational data, however, and tools for assessing decadal-scale changes in African ecology without observation are lacking.

Rhino poaching has been reported reduced in South Africa’s biggest park.

Nations and environmental groups have agreed to shut down the domestic ivory trade, despite the resolution nearly being derailed by objections from countries including Japan and South Africa.

The motion was proposed by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), with 18 co-sponsors, and adopted with a majority of IUCN members.

In 2015, at least 50 rhinos were killed in Zimbabwe by poachers.
Zimbabwe has been using dehorning as a policy to protect its rhinos against poaching since the 1990s.

A gang of five poachers including a sharpshooter from Manipur, who were about to kill rhino at Orang National Park (ONP) in Assam, was arrested during a raid by forest officials and police on Sunda

Elephants are known for their gentle nature and impeccable memory. However, these gentle giants own amazing ivory tusks that make them target to poachers and hunters when left in the wild.

The anti-poaching campaign has gained momentum after the Arusha Resident Magistrate's Court sentenced two poachers, Damas Komba and Jamal Athuman, to total of 40 years imprisonment or pay a fine of

THREE Zambians and a Namibian, the latter suspected to be a former policeman, were arrested last Friday after poaching a black rhino at the Erindi private game reserve near Omaruru.

In an alarmingly steep fall in the population of a protected species, blackbuck numbers in Bareilly district have fallen by more than 71%, from 578 in 2013 to just 171 in 2016.
