• Ensure all waste, legal and illegal, is trapped and treated to keep the drain clean
• Augment and optimise treatment facilities, where needed, to treat this waste. Appropriate technologies of scale (centralised or local) should be adopted
• Ensure treated effluent is reused and not mixed with untreated effluent before it flows to river

This is a story about Delhi and the Yamuna, about the relationship between one of India’s richest cities and one of her most revered rivers. The plot is an economical one: the Yamuna stretches 22 kilometres along Delhi, but after Rs 55 crore to Rs 75 cror

Does emissions trading adhere to this principle?

...In Kanpur s Jajmau area, chromium enters food chain. How spent is the Ganga Action Plan?

Pollution control is bypassed with typical ingenuity

The objective of this article is to evaluate (via modeling) the impact of different pollution control scenarios on the shape of the income-emissions relationship. The simulation of emissions and emission controls was conducted using the Climate Change Risk Assessment Framework, which projects SO2 and NOxemissions from energy consumption and conversion and non-energy sources.

us automobile manufacturers are facing rough weather following Canada's move to adopt stringent auto emission rules that have been adopted by California (see Down To Earth,

Diesel filter scandal serves up regulatory warning

Why Sri lanka s coastal regulations can t be effective

• Pollution has killed several hundred fish in Tickenham Rhine river between Nailsea and Tickenham in Somerset in the UK, according to the country's Environment Agency. "The river is covered in
