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A LARGE number of dead whales were found washed up by whale scientist Roger Payne in Patagonia, Chile. The cause of death was apparently skin infections. The mysterious human-AIDS-like plague, which

Though Indian electronics exporters heaved a sigh of relief following the postponement of die EC trade restrictions low, there are still fears that export orders may dry up.

To put together an exhibition on the environment for children was an excellent idea. Now, the ministry of environment and forests should consider taking it to rural areas.

Scientists cannot explain why both the quality and quantity of sperm have been dropping since the 1940s. Indications are pollutants may be responsible.

Environmental degradation, changing land use patterns and poor administrative planning is resulting in the destruction of a unique agro system in Goa.

Pollution, disorderly urban growth and inadequate basic services are plaguing the Kathmandu valley and adversely affecting tourism, the valley's major revenue earner. Tourism itself is a burden on the valley's resources. Attempts are being made to stem t

The sorry state of the Bagmati is an eloquent pointer to the state of the Kathmandu Valley

Nepal's carpet industry is being castigated for being the primary polluter of the Kathmandu valley

THIS book is part of a project on technology transfer, transformation and development implemented by United Nations University (UNU), a UN organ established in 1972 to conduct research related to

The Newars of Kathmandu realised centuries ago that if they had to leave space for future generations, they would have to live as compactly as possible
