"Neighborhood Watch - Early Detection and Rapid Response to Biological Invasion along U.S Trade Pathways" identifies the crucial measures required to improve biosecurity measures at and around control points in international trade, especially U.S. ports, as well as a possible funding mechanism based upon the

"Neighborhood Watch - Early Detection and Rapid Response to Biological Invasion along U.S Trade Pathways" identifies the crucial measures required to improve biosecurity measures at and around control points in international trade, especially U.S. ports, as well as a possible funding mechanism based upon the

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a planning tool now generally accepted as an integral component of sound decision-making. The Environmental Clearance [EC] process for majority of projects will comprise of a maximum of four stages

Probir Banerjee, president of citizens

UNDER the much-hyped 100-days programme of the UPA government, the shipping ministry has proposed to award a contract for six port projects costing Rs 3,319 crore on a public private partnership (PPP) basis.

Olive Ridley turtles missed their annual nesting trip to the Orissa coast last year. Conservation groups blamed the upcoming port at Dhamra. The turtles are back this year, and port proponents Tata and L&T claim vindication. They overlook the violations that have allowed the port at Dhamra in the first place On March 23, 2009, environmental group Green-peace International issu-ed a full-page

Mindless industrialization threatens tribals and biodiversity. Therein lies a possible collaboration conservation groups and promoters of the Dhamra port in Orissa are at loggerheads. While conservationists say the port will adversely affect Gahirmatha, which has the world

In the Supreme Court of India Civil Appellate Jurisdiction
Civil Appeal No. 3572 of 2009 (Arising out of SLP (C) No. 6977 of 2007) Villianur Iyarkkai Padukappu Maiyam ... Appellant
Versus Union of India and others ... Respondents With Civil Appeal No. 3573 of 2009 (Arising out of SLP (C) No. 9988 of 2007).

Concern over the survival of Olive Ridleys persist WHEN the Olive Ridley turtles did not turn up on the islands off Gahirmatha beach in Orissa last year for mass nesting, the Dhamra port under construction less than 15 km away, was blamed. The turtles were back in droves this March and jostled to find suitable nesting ground. Preliminary estimates of the forest department said

We would like to begin by acknowledging that Hawk
