In February 2009 I was an invited speaker at the Dhamra Port Consultative Technical Workshop in Bhubaneswar, Orissa State, at the behest of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. My topic was how to minimize sea turtle and dredging interactions during the ongoing Dhamra Port construction project in the Dhamra River estuary, on the Bay of Bengal.

Can you piss into a bottle of mineral water and test it for impurities at the same time?

The Dhamra Port project in Orissa has attracted considerable attention due to its proximity to vulnerable Olive Ridley turtle nesting grounds. The question is - can large infrastructure projects like this be environmentally sustainable? In a breakthrough workshop held by IUCN, developers and environmentalists have joined together to tackle this complex and controversial issue.

Calcutta, Feb. 26: The state cabinet has cleared a deep-water port to be built on reclaimed land, the first of its kind in the country, in the Hooghly river estuary.

The port, with a depth of 21 metres, will allow big ships carrying crude and other cargo to offload near Haldia and Nayachar, a region where Bengal

A population of coelacanths

The physical formatting of a city is done not by accident but by definite purposes and logic that its dominant groups intend to transcribe in space. The Portuguese, who developed Goa as their seat in Asia, transferred a large set of meanings of power into its urban space by resorting to architectural process as a language of domination.

The most audible opponents of the Dhamra Port project have been conservation organisations such as Greenpeace, turtle biologists and environmentalists from across the country and beyond.

Infrastructure is shown to be a cost-effective means of lowering trade costs and thereby promoting regional growth and integration. This report combines thematic and country studies, while breaking new ground in quantifying infrastructure's impact on Asia's trade costs.

Every winter and spring, tens of thousands of endangered olive ridley sea        turtles clamber onto the shores of Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary, along In-

Silt has left the Hooghly shallow. Haldia port faces closure Silt deposits at the mouth of the Hooghly river have rendered Haldia port nearly unnavigable, raising fears that India
